United Arab Emirates News API

Get live breaking news, historical news and blog articles from United Arab Emirates using our free, scalable and easy-to-use REST API. Get access to the United Arab Emirates News API today

United Arab Emirates News API

By setting the API's country parameter to ae, you will be able to retrieve real-time and historical news articles for the country United Arab Emirates. News categories supported include general news, business news, entertainment news, health news, science news, sports news and technology news.

Country Parameter Set country parameter to ae
Available Categories general business entertainment health science sports technology
Get API Key for the United Arab Emirates News API - it's free
Example: Retrieve Live News Data for United Arab Emirates

Below you will find an example API request and response. To query the API for real-time news, please scroll down and hit the signup button below to get your free API access key. After that, you can check the API documentation for specifics.

https://api.mediastack.com/newsRun API Request
	? access_key = YOUR_ACCESS_KEY
	& country = ae
    "author": "Dan Peck",
    "title": "Hurricane Hanna makes landfall around 5 p.m. on Saturday.",
    "description": "Hurricane Hanna battered southern Texas with sustained winds of 75 mph and continued to deliver heavy rain and flash flooding as it moved inland late Saturday.",
    "url": "https://abcnews.go.com/US/hurricane-hanna-makes-landfall-texas/story?id=71985566",
    "source": "ABC News",
    "image": "https://s.abcnews.com/images/US/hanna-swimmer-mo_hpMain_20200725-163152_2_4x3t_384.jpg",
    "category": "general",
    "language": "en",
    "country": "us",
    "published_at": "2020-07-26T01:04:23+00:00"

Sign up for a free API key to access United Arab Emirates news data today Get Free API Key